Hello Students, we have started the new addition to the dojang! This has made it so that we can improve the practice area which has more mat space. The seating area & entrance has also moved.
When students come in for their next class be sure to use the large white garage door as the main entrance. The side door is no longer the entrance. You can take your shoes and socks off and put them in the shoe rack as you walk in to the left. Before you walk through the doorway to the right, bow in to the dojang before walking on the mats as usual.
Parents and spectators will walk up the small set of stairs where you will be able to watch classes from the raised platform. Please be careful going up and down the steps as the handrails have not been installed yet.
We appreciate your patience while the space is getting worked on, so please don't mind the mess as we continue to improve our martial arts school for our students!
